THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) entered this _ day of ____, ____, by and between __, (the “District”) and NEBRASKA CYBERSECURITY NETWORK FOR EDUCATION (the “NCNE”) (collectively, the “Parties”). WHEREAS, DISTRICT is an educational institution committed to providing quality education to its students and maintaining a secure and conducive learning environment; WHEREAS, NCNE is a regional, education service organization, created by an interlocal agreement among member Educational Service Units and the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council; NOW THEREFORE, to enhance cybersecurity measures and address potential cybersecurity issues and tasks, DISTRICT seeks the assistance and collaboration of NCNE, which possesses expertise in cybersecurity and related matters as follows: PURPOSE: The purpose of this MOU is to establish a framework for cooperation between DISTRICT and NCNE to enhance cybersecurity measures and address potential cybersecurity issues and tasks effectively.

SCOPE OF COOPERATION: The scope of cooperation is defined as follows: Cybersecurity Assessments: NCNE agrees to conduct comprehensive cybersecurity assessments of DISTRICT’s existing IT infrastructure, network systems, and digital assets to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. Cybersecurity Policies: NCNE agrees to develop templates of cybersecurity policies that DISTRICT may adopt to increase cybersecurity governance. Training and Awareness: NCNE will conduct cybersecurity training sessions and awareness programs for DISTRICT’s faculty, staff, and students to educate them about best practices, safe online behavior, and methods to safeguard sensitive information. Incident Response Planning: DISTRICT and NCNE will collaboratively develop an incident response plan to effectively respond to and mitigate cybersecurity incidents, such as data breaches or cyberattacks. Tabletop Exercises: NCNE agrees to develop and administer cybersecurity tabletop exercises with DISTRICT, as part of the review and testing of the Incident Response Planning. Information Sharing: Both parties agree to share relevant cybersecurity-related information, advisories, and best practices to improve their overall cybersecurity posture. By entering into this MOU, the DISTRICT verifies that it has outsourced institutional services to NCNE and, as a result, the DISTRICT and NCNE may disclose confidential information to each other under FERPA, as long as NCNE does not re-disclose that confidential information to any other entity without the DISTRICT’s prior written approval. Technical Support: NCNE will provide technical support and consultation to DISTRICT in addressing cybersecurity issues and implementing security solutions. Regulatory Compliance: NCNE will assist DISTRICT in understanding and make recommendations to comply with relevant cybersecurity laws, regulations, and industry standards. Incident Transparency: In the event DISTRICT is the target of a successful cybersecurity incident, DISTRICT agrees to disclose the event to the NCNE within 72 hours of incident identification or within 72 hours of DISTRICT becoming aware of the incident, whichever occurs earlier in time. RETALIATION: At no point will the NCNE retaliate against an attacker, adversary, etc. RESOURCES: Each party will allocate appropriate resources to fulfill its obligations under this MOU. NCNE will provide its cybersecurity expertise, while DISTRICT will ensure good faith cooperation from its staff, faculty, and students in implementing cybersecurity measures. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Any intellectual property resulting from this collaboration shall be jointly owned by the DISTRICT and NCNE. CONFIDENTIALITY: Both parties agree to treat all information shared under this MOU as confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party without prior written consent, unless required by law. DURATION: This MOU shall be effective upon the date of signing and remain in effect until August 31, 2025, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement, supplanted by an updated MOU, or due to non-compliance with the terms outlined herein. AMENDMENTS: Any amendments or modifications to this MOU must be made in writing and signed by both parties. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this MOU with 30 days’ written notice to the other party. In case of non-compliance with the terms of this MOU or any material breach, the non-breaching party may terminate the agreement with immediate effect. SIGNATURES: By signing below, both parties acknowledge their understanding and agreement with the terms and conditions outlined in this Memorandum of Understanding.

For DISTRICT: Signature: ____

Date: ___

For NCNE: Signature: ____

Date: ___